In Lost in the City, we examined and wrote about the health effects of high fructose corn syrup. Here are some pointers from Mercedes and Trinity based on what we learned:
I would advise you to avoid a lot of high fructose corn syrup. I would advise you not to consume process food necause it's linked to obesity. 24 million Americans now have diabetes, which is linked to high fructose corn syrup. So I would tell everyone to try to AVOID high fructose corn syrup due to your health. Here are 3 ways to avoid it:
1. Stop eating processed foods.
2. Look at the ingredients on your foods.
3. Try eating healthier.
Thanks for reading!
Shalayla Loves To Devour High Fructose Corn Syrup on a regular basis. Every day a New Flavor of Frozen Pop Sicles.....YUM YUM....CD