ABLE Voices: What's your favorite subject at school?
Avaya: Writing.
L'yrics: Science and non-fiction writing.
AV: What do you like about ABLE?
A: I get homework done and then I can play a bit. Plus, there are snacks.
L: Same for me. I like how people communicate. The activities- double dutch, step. Children can learn and have fun. It's the best afternoon school.
AV: What do you like about your school?
A: I made a lot of new friends. Teachers are nice and they help you, but they won't give you answers...maybe hints.
L: Teachers there teach you more than you already know. Plus they help you with manners and respect. Work hard and be nice.
AV: What advice would you give your peers?
A: Be respectful. Do not talk back to your teacher. Always do work. Do not have a fit or be threatful.
L: Always try to get to college and worry about your education. Nothing else except your work, family, and friends.